Saturday, June 18, 2011

Matagorda Day Two

I don't have too many pictures from this day because I left the battery die in my camera.  I knew better, but didn't charge it over night.. I've learned. =)  Thank you Renee for most of these pictures.

Click on the picture below to take you to the full photo album of pictures from our weekend.
Matagorda 06.18.11

Friday, June 17, 2011


Our Matagorda trip. This is a fun place for everyone because the park is along the edge of the Colorado River while the beach is also within walking distance.

Sunscreen and Dirt...  they don't mix

This would have been one of my favorite pictures if she didn't have the dirt on her face, but I was afraid of washing the sunscreen off so I just left it and now I'm disappointed. =(

The wind was a little too strong.. Run Granny...

Headed to the water without a care..  I don't know what changed in the three weeks since we were in Surfside but Emilee has NO fear of the water this trip. She would just take off running out in it.

And of course the dogs love the water too... well except Prissy